Department of Biomedical Engineering

Diploma Policy of the Department of Department of Biomedical Engineering

  1. Have acquired basic academic ability and knowledge of physics, electronics and information engineering, etc., which are the basis of measurement and diagnostic techniques in modern medicine.
  2. Based on the basic academic ability and knowledge acquired, students have acquired the ability to comprehensively understand engineering technology related to biomedical sciences.
  3. Students have the ability to understand the complex and diverse needs of the medical field, and to conduct research and development of medical technology based on flexible ideas that are not bound by traditional academic systems.
  4. Candidates must have the communication skills and education to be able to bridge the gap between the fields of engineering and biology/medical science in biomedical engineering and contribute to the international development of this technology.

Curriculum Policy of the Department of Department of Biomedical Engineering

① Curriculum composition policy
In order to enable students to acquire the abilities set forth in the diploma policy, the Department of Department of Biomedical Engineering has organized a systematic curriculum consisting of a group of basic subjects common to all students of Faculty of Engineering of Engineering, a group of specialized basic subjects related to the principles and mechanisms of medical equipment and measurement/diagnostic technology, and a group of specialized subjects related to medical applications.

② Policies regarding the content and implementation of education
In the basic subjects group starting from the first year, students will develop the reading comprehension and creativity necessary to master biomedical systems engineering in order to acquire the basic academic skills and knowledge in physics, electronic information engineering, etc., as defined in Viewpoint A. In addition to subjects such as basic mathematics for engineering, applied mathematics for engineering, electromagnetism, programming, and an introduction to clinical medicine, students will learn about the basics of medicine, such as an introduction to biology and physiology.
In the specialized foundation subjects group starting from the second year, education is provided to cultivate scientific understanding and logic in order to acquire the ability to comprehensively understand engineering technology related to biomedical care, as defined in Viewpoint B. Subjects include medical photonics, medical ultrasonic engineering, medical device engineering, and medical mechatronics.
In the specialized subjects that begin in the third year, students will deepen their understanding of the knowledge they have acquired in lectures while also mastering practical skills in order to acquire the ability to conduct research and development of medical technology based on flexible ideas, as defined in Perspective C.
In order to acquire the communication skills and culture necessary to contribute to the international development of this technology, as defined in Viewpoint D, students will join a research lab and work on research and development of various biomedical engineering technologies under the close guidance of Faculty Member.

③ Policy regarding methods for evaluating learning outcomes
In lecture courses, which are primarily aimed at acquiring basic liberal arts skills, fundamental academic ability, the ability to utilize specialized knowledge, logical thinking skills, insight, and the ability to form a social and ethical outlook, as stipulated in the diploma policy, students will be assessed on their level of achievement through exams, reports, etc. In experiments, practical training, and seminar courses, which are primarily aimed at acquiring the executive skills to advance research and development, the interpersonal skills to support collaboration with others, and the communication skills stipulated in the diploma policy, students will be assessed on their level of achievement through reports, oral exams, etc. Grades for course subjects are expressed in five levels: S, A, B, C, and D, with S, A, B, and C being passes, and D being a fail. Students who pass will be awarded the designated number of credits.
